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Tailored Solutions for SMI 15-300

Enhancing Workplace Dynamics

For companies with 15-300 employees, Esh-Consulting offers tailored solutions Understanding and promoting effective communication among workers is paramount for the success of the business. We address issues such as high sick leave rates by facilitating understanding, open communication, and team learning to incorporate sensitivity to mental or physical health challenges. Our Awareness Days provide an excellent opportunity for your company to engage with us and enhance overall well-being

Discover Our Corporate Wellness Packages

Embark on a transformative journey with 3-step program for CHF 2500 up to 30 participants, featuring a comprehensive assessment. Opt for a personalised package and enjoy a 70% deduction.

Step into health consciousness with our customisable 'Health Awareness Day' program, whether onsite or offsite, promising enlightening activities.

Elevate leadership with our 3-7 day family retreats, integrating personal well-being with professional growth.

For an extended commitment, our 4-month team program, supported by our environmental medicine team and nutritionists, detoxifies and propels your company forward.

Explore our year-long in-house program, offering flexibility in pre-booking services, from coaching to massage.

At Esh-Consulting, inclusivity is paramount, and our awareness days aim to break health-related taboos."

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